"Don’t Fall Victim to Another $150/Hr Survey SCAM!!! Learn How You Can Make Real Money Online Without Spending a Fortune!"

You have probably been exposed to many survey offers in the past that say that you can make up to $150/hr by just filling out surveys.  If it was this easy, don’t you think the whole entire population would be sitting at home filling out surveys?  Well, they would be and the fact of the matter is, YOU WILL NOT MAKE MONEY WITH SURVEYS.

In fact, the most money that we found people made through filling out surveys was $100 all together.  Now to think that the survey programs are charging $49.95 just to join, you will be very luck if you turn a profit.  Save your money, and your precious time, and AVOID SURVEYS altogether.

THERE IS HOPE!  There are much better alternatives to surveys, and there are ways for you to create a business online with very little money.  There are a few programs that you should really know about, and these programs are the best value for what you get online.  In fact, these programs are making people real money, and when we mean “real money”, we are talking $1000+/day.

We have collected a list of the top programs for you and listed them below.  These will unlock the door to success for you, and you should seriously consider giving them a shot.  See the full reviews below.

Top Legitimate Online Opportunities:

#1 WealthyAffiliate.com
Skill Level Beginner - Advanced
Main Focus Anything Internet Marketing Related
Support 10/10
Price $29.99 / Month
Overall Value 10/10

Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate Here

Have you ever been looking around the Internet and wished that there was a course similar to what you take at school, but for making money online?  Well, now there is in the form of Wealthy Affiliate University.  This is an absolute necessity to anyone interested in making money online, looking to expand their earnings online, or looking to gain more exposure for their product/service.

Wealthy Affiliate is every thing you need to succeed online.  Think of it as your tuition to success, with the top “make money education”.  You have access to a vast amount of resources (tutorials, guides) and tools (Clickbank, Keyword, Campaign Management) within the Wealthy Affiliate membership area.

#2 WhoLovesMoney.com
Skill Level Beginner - Advanced (All Levels)
Main Focus Filling in The "Blanks"
Support 10/10
Price $97.00
Overall Value 10/10

Learn More About "Who Loves Money" Here

So What is "Who Loves Money" anyway? It's not an ebook that is going to teach you how to setup a Google Adwords account. It doesn't teach you some "Secret" new method of earning money online either. Who Loves Money teaches you the "Why's" about Internet Marketing. How to go Niche Hunting (for free), how to drive traffic (for free), how to find industries that can pay you over $60 per minute. If you know about Pay-per-click advertising already it'll tell you EXACTLY why you're not making $1000 / day. NO other product has EVER attempted to teach people why customers buy, how to connect with the RIGHT crowd, and how to do it all for literally NO COST!

#3 BeatingAdwords.com
Skill Level Beginner - Intermediate
Main Focus Google Adwords
Support 9/10
Price $67
Overall Value 9/10

Learn More About Beating Adwords Here

You may be familiar with Google Adwords and already understand the potential, but there are many people making $1000’s every day by setting up advertising campaigns using Google Adwords.  There are several ebooks out there showing you how to use Adwords to promote products and earn money online, but there is one that far surpasses any other product available. This product is Beating Adwords.

Beating Adwords is the essential foundation builder.  It not only includes a step-by-step outline for newbie marketers, it covers the most elaborate techniques and strategies that marketers can use to essentially “beat Adwords”.  Also included are website templates, free advertising techniques, and a wealth of information on many other related topics.  If there was a book that was written to include everything that a marketer needs to know to make money online, Beating Adwords is the one.

#4 ForexEnterprise.com
Skill Level Beginner
Main Focus Internet Marketing Techniques
Support 7/10
Price $49.95
Overall Value 8/10

Learn More About Forex Enterprise Here

Forex Enterprise has been around for quite some time now, and this is due to the quality of the book.  Forex Enterprise has been updated several times since it’s inception in 2004 and it now contains a lot of great information about “making money” and also includes a forum for people who purchase the product.

The focus of Forex Enterprise is that in order to make money, you need to create multiple streams of income.  They provide many techniques within their product that give you some good ideas and suggestions as how you can do this.

#5 AutomatedMillions.com
Skill Level Beginner
Main Focus Various Internet Marketing Techniques
Support 7/10
Price $67.00
Overall Value 8/10

Learn More About Automated Millions

The Automated Millions system will teach you how to get started in earning money online as an Internet Marketer. The step by step approach provides you with guides, ebooks, cd's and other media to help you learn exactly what to do at every step of the way. The Automated Millions system includes a huge amount of information that will benefit any Internet Marketer in achieving success online.

If you purchase this system, there are also many bonuses included and you can even get a FREE 10 part e-course on building a Hyper Responsive list. Visit www.automatedmillions.com to learn more.

#6 TheRichJerk.com
Skill Level Intermediate
Main Focus Various Internet Marketing Techniques
Support 7/10
Price $49.95
Overall Value 7/10

Learn More About The Rich Jerk Here

What can you say about The Rich Jerk, other than the fact that he is a real JERK.  The “rich jerk” e-book was initially driven into the market with the hype surrounding the “Rich Jerk’s” sale of one of his affiliate sites on ebay for over $200,000.  Was this site sold to a friend for a popularity stunt?  Nobody really knows, but we do know that the Rich Jerk e-book is a decent product.

If you are a beginner, you should avoid this book as it caters to a more advanced audience.   If you want to build a foundation for creating a successful business online, we suggest that you chose one of the higher ranked, more educational products or services (such as Wealthy Affiliate & Beating Adwords).

#7 InternetMillionDollars.com
Skill Level Beginner
Main Focus Internet Marketing Techniques
Support 8/10
Price $49.90
Overall Value 7/10

Learn More About Internet Million Dollars

Internet Million Dollars is a new school book, with a mix of new school and old school ideas.  This book contains fairly consistent information with the state of the Internet marketing industry today; however some of the information has definitely been rehashed from other resources.   This does not mean the book is low quality, but the authenticity of the content within Internet Million Dollars has been questioned in the past.

The overall value of Internet Million Dollars is relatively good, however it does not elaborate on some of the main concepts that are key to success as an Internet marketer in this day and age such as Google Adwords, and instrumental information on how to turn a visitor into a buyer; both of which are contained in the higher ranked resources.

#8 AffiliateProjectX.com
Skill Level Intermediate - Advanced
Main Focus Internet Marketing Techniques
Support 5/10
Price $97.00
Overall Value 6/10

Learn More About Affiliate Project X

Affiliate Project X…Is it the secret door to your success online?  Well, not quite, but it does contribute something new to the online marketplace.  Some crazy and some say unethical marketing techniques.  It covers a few “secrets” within its 50 page book, but does not build a foundation for a newbie to Internet marketing.

You will get some good value from the book as there are some very risqué intermediate to advanced marketing techniques included in the book, but for $97 (and only 50 pages of info), you may want to hold off on this ebook until you have taken advantage of some of the great resources.